Thursday, December 17, 2009

Implicit Racism

In class this week we have been discussing different races and how they are perceived. Although most people like to think that they are not racist or try not to have negative views of different races, it is very difficult not to classify different people by the color of their skin and their physical features. Its not only Americans who stereotype people by their race, but all people and races have their own opinions of other races, and usually these opinions or assumptions are wrong. In class we did an activity where we had to group people into what race we thought they were, based on just their faces. This was a difficult task because as a class we barely guessed anyone's true race correctly. These results just go to show that people cannot just assume that someone is a particular race based on how they look. I took the Implication Association Test for Race, and my results said that I have "a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American." This is disappointing because I like to think that I am not racist and I try to think of everyone in the same way. However, according to this test I subconsciously associate American-Americas with negative words. This could be because of the media's influence and the area in which I live and was raised, in North America with mostly upper-class white people who look like me. This just proves that unfortunately it is difficult not to be slightly racist today due to many different factors, even though most people try their best not to be.


  1. I agree, everybody is in some way a little bit racist; even though most would like to think they are not.

  2. The reason the test said you were slightly racist is probably because your mind has been influenced to think that way. Its not that you want it to.

  3. I think it is very hard to say we are not racist just a little bit. We do it so subconsciously we don't even notice sometimes. Most of the times we joke and use stereotypes. I don't like to think I am racist but I've done things in the past like look at a taxi driver and say "oh of course he is Indian."

  4. I think in some way or another, everyone is a little bit racist whether or not they try to be. I agree with Carlie that most people are just joking and use stereotypes.
