Thursday, November 19, 2009

30 Days Deviance

Today in class we watched the show 30 Days where Morgan Spurlock went to a local penitentiary for 30 days. I found this extremely interesting because I have always wondered what its really like to live in jail. After seeing this show I realized how terrible it is to be stripped of all your basic freedoms basically overnight. The fact that a fourth of all the prisoners in the world are from the U.S. and 1% of the U.S. adult population is in jail is extremely alarming to me. Its also shocking that 50% of the people in jail are there for drug related reasons. I think that our society needs to change these statistics by sending more people to rehabilitation centers or institutions to help them change their lives and learn from the mistakes that got them in trouble in the first place. Before the War on Drugs, drug abuse was seen as a problem that people needed to get help for. However, since then certain drugs and drug abuse in general has become deviant and seen as a crime rather than a health issue. Therefore, people involved with these deviant drugs are getting punished by serving jail time instead of having the chance to get help and turn their lives around like they should.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This week in class we watched a few videos depicting what our society considers a "real man." The video by Lajoie about stay at home dads was espeically funny to me, since my dad is currently a stay at home dad. When we moved to Illinois 6 years ago for my mom's job, my dad had to leave his business in Cleveland. He is still able to run his business from our home in Illinois, and he goes to Ohio almost every other weekend to maintain it. Therefore, he is at home most of the time while my mom is in Chicago working. My dad is the one who takes my sister and I to school when we need a ride, and he sometimes takes us out to dinner or even makes dinner for my sister and I, and has it ready for my mom when she gets home from work. In our society, many people think that it is the woman's job to stay at home and take care of the kids, while the man goes out and makes money. This morning on my way to school I was listening to the radio and I was shocked to hear the talk show people supporting this idea. They were having women call in to say how they plan to have a good relationship if they can't cook for their man. They also said that after a woman has a baby and goes on maturnity league, they are expected to stay home with the baby and cook for it and their man. After they said this, an angry woman called in to argue that men can stay at home too and that it is ok if a man knows how to cook better than his girlfriend or wife does. The talk show hosts refuted that idea and said that if a woman doesn't know how to cook, then she will end up alone because no man will want to be with a woman who can't cook for him. This whole discussion made me very uncomfortable and upset, because the talk show hosts were extremely WRONG to say that it is a woman's job to cook and clean, and that it wouldn't make sense if a guy took on that role. My dad can cook, and he does a pretty good job of it. That fact shouldn't make him any less of a "man", at least not in my opinion.